Helping to fuel Victoria
Newport Terminal operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, supplying fuel to Melbourne and greater Victoria, including jet fuel to Melbourne Airport.
Fuel products arrive at Newport Terminal by pipeline from our Geelong Refinery and marine import terminals at Holden Dock in Yarraville. Some products also arrive by road tanker.
Newport Terminal has bulk storage tanks for transport fuels, and vehicle filling gantries for fuel, solvents and oils and greases.
Because Newport Terminal stores and handles significant quantities of fuels, lubricants and solvents, it is designated as a Major Hazard Facility in the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017.
Download the Safety Case Summary for the Newport Terminal
Diesel Tank Replacement Program
We are committed to upgrading part of our diesel storage facilities at Newport Terminal.
Diesel is an important fuel in the economy, used in agriculture, transport, rail, mining and emergency response, as well as by our defence forces.
Further to the demolition and replacement of one diesel storage tank in 2022, we are proposing to build two diesel storage tanks with 10 million litres capacity.
The new tanks will replace existing diesel storage capacity within the terminal.
The diesel storage tanks will conform to Australian and international standards for tank design and construction.
Viva Energy has engaged the local community about the Diesel Tank Replacement Program via written communications and a Community Information Session.
Newport Terminal Diesel Tank Replacement Program FAQ

Environmental compliance
We operate the Newport Terminal under an environmental licence issued by the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPAV).
To ensure we are complying with our licence conditions, the terminal is required to monitor ground water and air and water discharges, and report the results to the EPAV annually.
Learn more about the data we monitor
Prepared for emergencies
We have a comprehensive emergency response plan for Newport Terminal that involves documented procedures, staff training, and maintaining a register of hazardous goods. We conduct regular emergency response exercises in conjunction with emergency service organisations to test our plans.
Site alarms
The alarms at Newport Terminal are a vital way of ensuring that our people on-site respond to incidents quickly and safely.
There are two types of alarms:
General Alarm
30 seconds of an alarm with an alternating pitch. In the event of an incident, the general alarm will sound for one minute or longer.
All clear
30 seconds of continuous sounding of the siren. This signifies that the incident is under control.
The alarms are tested at 1:30pm every Thursday. An alarm heard any other time means an on-site incident has occurred that requires attention by terminal personnel.
The community does not need to take action when an alarm sounds unless instructed by the Police or Emergency Services. In the event of an emergency please call 000.
We offer local residents free fridge magnets with information about our alarms. If you would like one, please complete our online feedback form and include your postal address.
Community engagement
For the benefit of the community we provide updates about the Newport Terminal at our Community Information Evenings and via our newsletter.
Community Information Evenings
We value the views of our neighbours, and so we have held Community Liaison Group Meetings for residents of Newport since the 1990’s.
The Community Information evening is open to members of the community and representatives from other organisations such as Hobsons Bay City Council, the Environment Protection Authority, WorkSafe and City West Water.
If you are interested in attending, please send us an email: [email protected]

Community Newsletters
Our Community newsletter contains information about various aspects of the Newport Terminal and more broadly, about Viva Energy
Download our Community Update, July 2023
Download our Community Update, November 2022
Download our Community Update – 2021
Download our Community Update – 2020